Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Acne Facial Scars

If you've more or less outgrown your acne outbreaks and now you're looking for something to help you remove, or at least diminish, your unattractive acne facial scars there is good news.  There are many things that may be able to help you.  Everything from home remedies to creams, to chemicals and lasers that work by removing the top layers of skin.  The trick is to find the method that will work best for you and also is the least expensive and invasive.

Here is a list of some of the most common options available to you.  Many of them can be fairly expensive and while all of them have had some success none of them will work on every person every time. You will need to learn more about each technique so you can determine the best option for you and your situation:

1. Dermabrasion. This is more intense that mirco-dermabrasion which only sloughs off the top layer of skin.  Dermabrasion will remove the top several layers of skin.  This process will require a healing time of several weeks while the scabs from the procedure heal over with a new layer of undamaged skin.  This procedure tends to work best on  either light or dark skinned people.  Someone with a more middle of the road skin tone might not get as good of results.

2. Laser treatment. This treatment option works in a similar fashion to dermabrasion, it removes the top damaged layers of skin which allows new growth, undamaged skin to replace the damaged skin. You can have an even texture and no discoloration following this treatment.  Make sure you take time to talk to your doctor about this procedure.  It does tend to be expensive and the healing process can be a little long. You may also need several treatments before you see the full effectiveness.

3. Chemical peel.  This procedure involves your dermatologist applying a layer of acid to your skin. This chemical will slough off your top layer of skin. This procedure works best for skin that has only a little light scarring.  Once the acid is removed you may experience some swelling and redness.  Recovery time will vary depending on the amount of skin covered, but usually ranges from a day to a few weeks.

4.  The last form of scar removal is augmentation. This procedure involves your doctor using collagen, or fat from another part of your body, to fill in your pitted scars.  This procedure will require minimal recovery time, usually less than a day, and will give your skin a smoother more healthy appearance.  The downside to this procedure is that it is a temporary fix. In the future if other forms of filler are discovered it may last longer but now with collagen it generally lasts around 6 months.  While it does provide relief, you will need to have the procedure done over and over again to maintain the results.

When it comes to getting rid of, or at least diminishing, acne facial scars you have several options. Each has it's own pros and cons and cost considerations.  You should take some time to investigate each method thoroughly before you make your decision.

 Ruthsella Corasol is the Owner of Check us out anytime for marketing tips and a free subscription to our cutting edge newsletter.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

5 Tips To Improved Skin Care

Your skin is the first thing that people notice about you and that is why a proper skin care regimen is so important.  There are many products that claim to help improve skin tone and promote a flawless complexion, but the truth is that there is no such thing as instant results.  An effective skin care regimen is one that is done consistently over a time before results will begin to develop.

Skin Care Tip 1:

Always use some type of exfoliation product, which will help to remove old skin cells and other debris and particles from your skin.  This will expose the healthy cells and rid your body from the old ones.

Skin Care Tip 2:

If possible, avoid constant sun exposure and tanning beds.  In addition to being dangerous where health is concerned, these may also lead to early signs of aging.  Everyone loves a suntan, but there is no reason to sacrifice your skin or your health in order to achieve it.  Therefore, many individuals opt for a self-tanning lotion instead.  Back in the day, these products had a tendency to turn the skin orange, but that is no longer the case.  Improvements have helped to give self-tanning products a more natural, streak-free look.  Before applying the lotion to your entire body, apply it to a small test area just to make sure there is no irritation.

Skin Care Tip 3:

If your lips tend to become chapped in the winter months or wind burnt at other times, using lip balm or lipstick will help to protect the lips from nature?s worst.

Skin Care Tip 4:

Dry or cracked skin can be very unbearable.  Not to mention the discomfort of tight red skin, it can be downright embarrassing.  A container of Pacquin Plus hand & body cream will eliminate soreness, redness and help to add moisture back to dry skin.

Skin Care Tip 5:

Do not use products that irritate your skin in any way, including soaps that have harsh ingredients.  If possible, use a moisturizing soap or that which is designed for sensitive skin.   
In addition to these tips, skin care products are available as commercial or prescription based treatments.  A dermatologist is often consulted for matters relating to acne or other skin disorders, especially if they are severe.  Many skin care enthusiasts also believe in using plenty of moisturizing body lotion in order to replenish the skin?s natural moisture, which is often stripped in today?s harsh environment.

The information in this article is to be used for informational purposes.  It should not be considered as, or used in conjunction with, professional medical advice.  Consult your doctor prior to beginning any skin care regimen or if you have been diagnosed with any disorder involving the skin.

 Ruthsella Corasol is the Owner of Check us out anytime for marketing tips and a free subscription to our cutting edge newsletter.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Black Skin Care Products

At first we might be tempted to think that all skin is the same, just a different color. And that is true, to a point. Most skin will have similar attributes and issues. Three of the most common are dry skin, oily skin, and damaged skin. These can occur on any color of skin. But it is also true that black skin has different characteristics. To best care for these characteristics find black skin care products specifically for dark skin.

Black skin differs from white skin in a few specific ways. For one thing it does age more slowly than white skin due to the pigment which resists sun damage. But, just like white skin, black skin will get saggy with age so any product that can improve elasticity will be beneficial.

While it might seem odd to some people, even people with dark skin need to use sunscreen everyday. Sun is the number one factor in sun damage and premature aging of your skin. This is true no matter what color you are.

You should never go outside in the sun without wearing sunscreen. If you are going to be out in the sun for an extended period of time you should also wear a hat and other protective clothing.

Proper nutrition is also important if you want to keep your skin healthy. And again, this transcends race. Our bodies need the proper nutrition to maintain health, both on the inside and on the outside.  If you want healthy skin make sure you give your body all the nutrients it needs to stay healthy.

You also need to keep your body hydrated. Providing your body with at least eight glasses of water a day will help keep your body hydrated and your skin moisturized. 

Now that you've taken care of the inside of your body, it's time to think about what products you need to apply to the outside of your body.

Many blacks have used products such as shea and cocoa butter for their skin care needs. You have to be careful though that these products aren't overly processed. They work best in their natural, raw state and if they are processed they will lose a lot of their effectiveness.

When you are on the hunt for skin care products there are a few things you need to keep in mind. For one thing what type of skin do you have? Is your skin overly dry? Do you suffer from oily skin and have frequent, and possibly severe, acne outbreaks? Or maybe you're one of the 'lucky ones' who has combination skin.

Make sure you know what your unique skin care requirements are and look for products that can address those unique needs.

Another thing you should keep in mind when looking for skin care products is that you want to find products that don't contain a lot of harmful chemicals. If you can find organic products that is probably the best. And be careful, many companies will try to make it seem like their product is organic when it's not. They will even make their label look like a certification seal when it's not.

Taking care of your skin, no matter what color it is doesn't have to be a challenge.  Just look for the right skin care products for your skin type, and remember, there are plenty of black skin care products to choose from.

Ruthsella Corasol is the Owner of Check us out anytime for marketing tips and a free subscription to our cutting edge newsletter.

Monday, May 14, 2012

What To Do When You Have Acne: The Acne Treatment Just For You

acne, acne, acne. We all dread having it. It can be called the bane of one’s existence, the enemy of our social lives. Unfortunately, it can’t be avoided. Whether you are Caucasian, Asian or from East Germany or from Tibet, you will, at one point in your life, have this little (and sometimes big) red, ugly and swollen bumps in the face. So what to do when you have one or even several? Read this article to find the rightacnetreatmentsystem"> acne treatment for you.

Homeacnetreatmentsystem"> acne treatment

acne can be treated at home especially if it’s just a few innocent bumps. It is very important the acne infested area is clean by washing the affected portion twice a day with a mild and unperfumed facial cleanser. It is very important to use a mild cleanser because strong soaps strip the face of its natural oils leaving it to dry.

After washing, pat dry your face. Again, do not rub for this may cause further irritation. For this homeacnetreatmentsystem"> acne treatment, we are going to use benzoyl peroxide. Just squeeze a generous portion in your finger and dab on areas of your face. After dubbing, spread the medicine gently until every part of the face is covered. After 15 minutes, you can now apply moisturizer. Do not wash the benzyl peroxide off your face.

Other points on thisacnetreatmentsystem"> acne treatment:

• Do not squeeze the life out of that acne no matter how much tempting and enjoyable it may seem.

• Avoid touching your face. If you must, use a tissue or a handkerchief.

Home treatment for acne may take days or even weeks to take effect so patience is a virtue, people.

Oralacnetreatmentsystem"> acne treatment

Anotheracnetreatmentsystem"> acne treatment you can try is the oralacnetreatmentsystem"> acne treatment wherein you just have to swallow an itsy, bitsy little pill to solve your acne problems. But take note that this is no miracle pill. This oral antibiotics have to be taken daily for around three months just to see the effects.

If you are a woman and is suffering from acne, you can try taking hormonal pills or contraceptive pills. These pills not only prevent pregnancy but it can also help clear up your face from acne. One pill called Diane has an ingredient called cyproterone acetate that is very helpful in eradicating acne.

Another medicine that can use for treatment of acne is Oral Retinoid. This medicine is most of the times used for severe and stubborn acne. But take note that this can’t be used by pregnant women for it can affect her baby. To avoid this, this medicine can only be obtained if prescribed by your doctor.

Specialistacnetreatmentsystem"> acne treatment

You have a date next week and that darn pimple just won’t clear up! Desperate times need desperate measures. If that’s the case then this is theacnetreatmentsystem"> acne treatment for you! Consult your dermatologist at once to have theacnetreatmentsystem"> acne treatment suited for you. Results are not instantaneous and it may hurt a little especially when your doctor has to inject medicine to your pimples one by one but it is faster than the two other methods. It is also a little more pricey than the otheracnetreatmentsystem"> acne treatment but results would be definitely worth it.

ACNE Treatment: Get Rid of ACNE in 3 days

Monday, April 30, 2012

Botox For Beauty-Painless Wrinkle Solutions

Beauty is something we all appreciate and strive to possess. There is no shame in wanting to look attractive and appealing to others. This desire to remain youthful looking and attractive has spawned a myriad of ways to actually accomplish this task. From various medicines and herbs to outright surgery, people will try all sorts of things to go back to looking the way they once did. One of the most common methods is using Botox for Beauty.

Botox is a painless and simple procedure that will remove the various lines and wrinkles from your face, giving you the youthful look you once had. Botox has become so wide spread that it is as common as dying your hair.

As our bodies age they naturally lose their youthful look and in many cases, their appealing appearance. This is just the harshness of the aging process and while you can take measures to slow it down, it is an inevitable occurrence. This law of nature can not be undone by modern medicine, however it's side effects can be temporarily fixed.

No matter what kind of treatment you use to retain your youthful appearance, they are all temporary. As I said above, modern medicine has not yet reached the point where it can halt the aging process or it's effects on our appearance. Using Botox for Beauty or other methods like plastic surgery can mitigate these effects but they do not last forever, especially when it comes to botox.

While some methods, such as surgery, can last for years or decades, botox lasts much shorter. So you have to make sure you get frequent injections to keep your face smooth and wrinkle free. You will have to speak with your doctor on the specifics and how often you will have to take these injections, but needless to say it is not a one time deal.

While botox is probably the simplest and easiest method to remain attractive, it is not without it's risks. Botox works by, essentially, relaxing the muscles in your face which are the cause for your wrinkles. This can have numerous side effects which can be potentially harmful.

Some side effects can be things like difficulty swallowing or breathing, as the muscles in your throat become too relaxed to work properly. Drooping eyelids are another side effect as well as bruising and slight redness on your face.

So while there are side effects, like any medication they are generally slight and millions of people use Botox for Beauty without even the slightest hitch. So if you are interested in this treatment then you should speak with your doctor for more in depth information.

Using botox to improve your looks by removing the effects of aging may be a fast and simple method. But if the side effects are proving to be too much of a deterrent or if you simply do not mesh well with botox, there are other methods you can look into.

There are numerous creams and herbs that may work better for you. But if you can use botox then myself and many others would highly recommend it as it is very effective at what it does.

 Ruthsella Corasol is the Owner of Check us out anytime for marketing tips and a free subscription to our cutting edge newsletter.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Brush Your Skin and Keep Acne Away

The skin is the largest of the elimination channels.  Through the skin toxins are eliminated which are brought to the skin surface from the blood.  When the regular elimination channels are sluggish or partial plugged up such as your colon being constipated, not all toxins move out through your feces.

Toxins that accumulate in the colon tend to move into the blood, when colon walls have been weaken through constant constipation or abused through eating excessive junk food.  Once in the blood they move into the liver for detoxification.

If you are frequently constipated, than your liver will be overworked and unable to detoxify all of the colon toxins.  The liver will store a lot of these toxins in its own tissue and else where in your body?s tissues, joints, organs, cells and skin.

When you have excessive toxins and your immune system is not able to detoxify them, these toxins will moved to the skin surface through the blood where they are enter the hair pores ? follicles ? and try to move to the skin surface.  When your pores are not working properly, excessive toxins in the pores can lead to acne.

Body odor is also a result of toxins coming out through the skin that should be moving out through the other elimination channels.

If your body skin is clean and its pores are open and unclogged, toxins will move out through the pores without creating pimples or eruptions.  The skin normally moves 1-2 pounds of toxins out of your skin daily.

You can tell when your pores are open.  You sweat freely during exercise.  If you do not sweat much during hot weather or during exercise, then your skin pores are probably plugged.

To keep your skin active and serving as a good channel of elimination you need to brush your skin daily before you shower or during your shower.

When you brush your skin, brush in one direction, starting from your feet towards your heart.

In her book, Detox For Life, Loree Taylor Jordan, C.C.H., I.D. says:

?One of greatest gifts of health that you can give yourself is the gift of skin brushing.  Dry skin brushing in one of the finest of all baths.  No soap can wash the skin as clean as the new skin you have under the old.  You make new skin on the body every 24 hours.  The skin will only be as clean as the bloodstream.  Dry skin brushing removes the top layer.  This helps to eliminate uric acid crystals catarrh, and various other acids in the body.   The skin should eliminate 2 pounds of waste acids daily.?

Understanding how your skin lives will help you keep it clean.  Brush your skin daily and bring toxins to the skin surface where you can get rid of them during your shower.

 Ruthsella Corasol is the Owner of Check us out anytime for marketing tips and a free subscription to our cutting edge newsletter.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Acne Medicine Treatment Found In Natural Acne Products

Treatment may be found in natural acne products or in acne medicine.  - The side effects that usually are caused by acne medicines must be taken into account when you decide going under a treatment.  The acne medicine isotretinoin is used in the treatment of serious cases of the skin disease acne.   

Isotretinoin (Accutane) is a medicine that has revolutionized the treatment of acne.  There is no single medicine or acne treatment.  acne, ayurvedic acne treatment, acne medicine, acne adult, acne product, acne medication, best acne treatment Print Now!  As this is a natural acne treatment guide, the normal laxatives in drugstores and prescription medicines will not be considered at all.  
The most popular acne medicine treatments include: Benzoyl Peroxide: Benzoyl peroxide is an over-the-counter acne treatment that kills the bacteria that causes acne.  treatment with medicine: treatment of acne using drugs. 

  This medicine is a vitamin A derivative used to treat acne.  -The best acne medicines are those ones that treat acne from inside out.  Benzoyl peroxide, resorcinol, salicylic acid, and sulfur are the most common topical OTC medicines used to treat acne. 

Avoid a Sunburn or Suntan Many of the medicines used to treat acne can make a person more prone to sunburn.  Prescription Topical Medicines Several types of prescription topical medicines are used to treat acne, including antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide, tretinoin, adapalene, and azelaic acid.  Covered by most healthcare plans, this oil-free gel gently delivers the medicine to treat acne and prevent new pimples from forming. 

Avoid a Sunburn or Suntan Many of the medicines used to treat acne can make you more prone to sunburn.  Systemic therapies, medicines that work internally, are needed to treat severe acne and may be used for moderate cases.  Retinoic acid Also known as Retin-A, this is another topical medicine used by doctors to treat acne. 

There are many types of medicines used to treat acne.  

  Topical medicine is applied directly to the acne lesions or to the entire area of affected skin.  In some patients, OTC acne medicines may cause side effects such as skin irritation, burning, or redness.  

I applied many acne medicines topical skin care cream and lotions which would dry them, but only temporarily.  It is important that you continue to take your anti-acne medicine as recommended so that your skin remains acne-free after the lesions finally fade. 

"Cleanse you skin thoroughly every time before applying any over-the-counter acne medicine," The Docs say.  When you start using a new acne medicine, you may have mild redness and swelling of your skin.

 Ruthsella Corasol is the Owner of . Check us out anytime for marketing tips and a free subscription to our cutting edge newsletter.